Sunday, March 22, 2009

If I were Rich.....

These are some things I would do if I were rich.... rich meaning having an unlimited amount of money because I'm sure I would eventually run out.....

1. i would definitely pay the rest of the mortgage for my mom's house and then let her remodel or whatever to it. she would enjoy doing that....

2. I would definitely go away for college for a year... i don't think i could stay away that long

3. Go to Disney World.... for like a month. I've never been and I really want to go! i think a month would be a good amount of time to ride all of the rides as much as i want. I don't to miss a thing.

4. Las vegas.... this is why i said an unlimited amount of money because no doubt i would loose half of it. but i think gambling would be exciting... for some reason i really want to do the slot machines even though the propability of winning is very small... like "unusaul" small which you wouldn't know unless you've taken statistics

5. Travel everywhere! pretty much i would just travel everywhere on my list and then everywhere else that would be interesting like spain, germany, italy, france, singapore, china, japan, africa, autrailia, new zealand......canada.

6. i would buy a couple of seasons' tickets for the braves

7. buy a decent car... i really want an old car like old cadillac or something

8. i would buy random movies like old classics and oscar winning ones..

9. i would definitely donate alot of money to different charities: animal shelters, cancer research, other disease research, women shelters, orphanages... sadly the list goes on

10. learn to fly a plane and then fly it randomly somewhere

11. get a blowling alley in my own house somewhere. bowling is fun...

12. i would be like the cat lady but with dogs.... i would have a dog farm... except i wouldnt sell them

13. i would buy smoothie king so i could have unlimited smoothies....

I'm tired of writing this because i wouldn't end up doing any of these things.....

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