Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Office Part 1

The Office is one of my favorite tv shows. I would say my favorite but I'm not sure because MASH is also one of my favorites. And it's a hard decision to make so I'm not going to decide which is better. The Office is such a great show because it's so different from everything else. It's an American remake of the British hit show of the same name. There both very similar with the setting of a dull office that sells paper and mockumentry style direction. But the American version has the American humor and the setting of the office in Scranton, Pennsylvannia.

But I love the mockumentry style because of the characters' interaction with the cameras and the awkward pauses. Characters do "talking heads," which is when the character goes off with the "documentary camera guy" and does a quick interview or let the character talk about whatever. I just think the show is so creative. The directors/producers have to think out everything when shooting a scene. Like are the cameras in the same room or are they shooting from afar (through the blinds, windows, carwindsheilds, etc)? Are the cameras known in the room or are they shooting in cognito? Are the cameras positioned correctly to get all the characters (actors) reactions/expressions? So many questions and they do it with so easy. Also the directors allow long pauses after a joke to make them work. Not a lot comedies can do that - make a comedy funny with only 22 minutes to work with.

Also the jokes are just hilarious. Sometimes its just so random - it fits perfectly with me. The writers make the show what it is. It's not just the actors who make it - it's definitely the writers (plus some of the writers are actors). The way the show starts out too is awesome. The show has a "cold open" which is the tv program starts and then the title sequence comes on. A lot of shows have them, but The Office uses it right with a joke. A lot of them are pranks that Jim pulls on Dwight. Others are awkward moments that Michael Scott causes.

The characters, as well as the actors, are amazingly funny. I think I have to save the characters who another blog. If I don't stop then it could reach 1000 words, and I have to do like fifty 300 word blogs.

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