Sunday, April 26, 2009

Braves Game

I've actually only been to one Braves game... and it was awful. I still regret it. I wasn't even suppose to even go; my brother was supposed to go with my dad... But I remember riding all the way up there in his truck and parking far away from the stadium. It probably wasn't that far, but I was nine so it was considered far if I wasn't able to see the gates. I remember carrying a tote bag full of junk, but I think we had to throw away some of it because we weren't allowed to have it with us.

We sat up high above the visitor's dugout. The Braves were playing the SF Giants, and I didn't know if we were suppose to win or lose. I don't remember most of the game... I remember Barry Bonds hit a home run. I remember we were losing for most of it, and it truly was a boring game. At the 7th inning stretch, my dad asks me if I want to go home because I'm sure I looked miserable.

On the way home he listens to game on the radio. We're not even far away from the stadium when we have back-to-back homeruns! And they hit two more home runs later in the game! I felt so bad because we should have been there... I truly regret leaving because it would have been amazing to watch.

I've been thinking of going to a few games this summer. I think I might buy a four-game packet thing because it'll be cheaper and I think you can get a yankee or red sox game in there with it. I'm not sure, but I know that you can't directly buy a ticket for a yankee/redsox game unless you're at the gates.... Oh man, yesterday's game was great. Braves won against the Reds 10-2. In one inning, this poor fellow had a rough inning in left feild. It was Dickinson on the Reds; and he missed two fly balls twice. Finally he got a flyball and the whole stadium cheered... and I did as well. But I mean he was having a rough day...

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