Friday, April 24, 2009

MASH Part 2

Because of my favorable 300 word limit I decided to use another blog on characters. Just to let you know my knowledge will becoming from my brain and not wikipedia... Gosh is this something I should be bragging about? No probably not. These are probably my favorite...

1. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce - (portrayed by Alan Alda) He was born in Crabapple Cove, Maine. His only family is his father who is also a doctor. Hawkeye often writes to him and mentions him. Hawkeye is a captain and the 4077th's chief of surgery. He lives in the Swamp - the name of the tent he lives in and is also where a homemade alcoholic still is. Between shifts, he can be seen drinking and joking around.

2. BJ Hunnicutt - (portrayed by Mike Farrell) He is from California where is family is. He has a wife who he's faithful to and a daughter Erin. He's aslo a captain and Hawkeye's best friend. One of my favorite things about him is his name. A whole episode was about Hawkeye finding out what the B and J stand for. Hawkeye even snuck into files to see that the BJ was still there. At the end it's revealed that he's named after his parents: Bea and Jay Hunnicutt. I thought that was just so clever.

3. Maxwell Klinger - (portrayed by Jamie Farr) He is a Lebanese-American from Toledo, Ohio. In the beginning of the series, he is a private trying to get a Section 8 (discharge for being insane) by dressing as a woman. Later he becomes more serious when he has to be the new company clerk. In the last episode, it's revealed that he is the only character staying behind in Korea with his new wife Soon Lee.

4. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly - (portrayed by Gary Burghoff) Radar is the company clerk and an innocent private from Iowa. Radar is young, naive, and innocent which is used often in story lines to show the effects of war. He gets his nickname for his impeccable hearing. He can hear the choppers (helicopter) coming to bring more wounded soldiers.

There are about ten more, but im tired.

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