Saturday, April 25, 2009


What is a PAC? (Just so you know this was the other topic for my american government test, I figured why not?) No not as in PAC-man. Wait why is he called PAC-man. It must be some acronym or something...

anyways a PAC is a Political Action Committee, which is the "political arm" of an interest group that collects money/funds from people to give to another PAC or candidate. Example: the NRA is an interest group that has some PAC that collects money to give to a candidate that has the same views on guns as them...

The first PAC was created by the AFL-CIO (American Federal Laborers - Congress of Industrial Organizations) and it was called COPE (Committee of Political Education).

The FECA (Federal Elections Campaign Act)of 1971 created the FEC (Federal Elections Committee) which was to oversee federal elections (congressional and presidential) and it also created public financing in presidential elections.

The FECA of 1974 allowed unions and corporations to form PAC's. But there were some exceptions, an indvidual can only give up to $2000 to a PAC and only up to $37,500 per calendar year. A PAC can only give up to $10,000 to a candidate per election cycle. But there are loopholes: multiple memberships, giving money in other people's names, and bundling.

(Pac-Man? i still don't know where it came from... i sort of looked it up but no really... someone let me know if they know)

By the waym i think I did well on my essays on my american government test. For the PAC essay I sort of just wrote down facts, I don't think i really answered the question or even made sense. oh well, too late now.... but the downsian theory rocked. wow i never say rock.... that was weird. its a sign telling me to end blog.

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