Saturday, April 18, 2009


I think that the English language is strange and arbitrary. Words have multiple meanings that are confusing - well if you don't know the language it's confusing. Like names that are also verbs. It's really odd when you use both uses in the same sentence.
1. Stew, stew the pot.
2. Will Will do his homework? No probably not.
3. Hope hopes she got an A on her test. She didn't....
4. Rose rose from the floor.
5. Skip skipped into the meadow.
6. Rob robbed the grocery store.
7. Pat pat the boy in the back.
8. Bob bobbed for apples.
9. May May come over to my house?
10. Mark marked the answer A. It was wrong......
11. Grant granted the boy's wish.
12. Drew drew a picture.
13. Sue sued the man.
15. Chase chased the man.
16. Mary married the man.
17. Carrie carried the man.
18. Peg pegged the man.
19. Paige paged the man.
20. Trip tripped over the man.
21. Carol caroled with the man.
22. Nick nicked his chin while shaving.
23. Pierce pierced his lung.
Okay, I was not really creative with the sentences; there were a lot of "the man" sentences. Hopefully it wasn't the same man. Haha haha ha...ha Not funny I know. And some of you probably did not notice that there's not a number 14. Whoops.... or a number 4..... haha made you look. Wow, that's an inside joke with my family. If you're in the same room with someone who's texting a lot, text them "made you look." Funniest thing ever...... until it happens to you... a lot. Blah blah blah I need three hundred words for a blog so that's why this is so wierd like the rest of my blogs.

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