Tuesday, April 21, 2009


MASH is a televison series based off the movie that was based off the novel... It was/is still a good show. "Is" because I still watch the reruns that air on the Hallmark channel and now on TV land. According to Wikipedia, it's a 'black comedy'/medical drama which makes sense I guess. I've wondered its supposed to be a drama with bits of comedy or a comedy with bits of drama. I've decided that its a comedy with bits of drama, but only because it has a laugh track. Actually on the DVD you can watch episodes without the laugh track on. I would know this because I have seasons 1 and 10. I know random, but I got season 1 because it's the first season. When you start collecting things you start when the beginning. Then I got season 10 because it has Mike Farrell in them and at the time he was my favorite character.

The show is set in South Korea during the Korean War. Even though the war only lasted three years (1951-1953) the show lasted eleven seasons (1972-1983). It's about a group of doctors and military staff of the 4077th MASH trying to survive the war physically and mentally.

There is a large group of main characters, but i think that alan alda's character is the lead character because he's the only main character to appear in all 251 episodes of the series. His name is Benjamin Franklin Pierce, but he goes by "Hawkeye," a nickname his father gave him referring to The Last of the Mohicans. To pass the time between surgeries and patients, Hawkeye plays pranks on other characters.

There is also a lot of character changes through out the season. Trapper John leaves after three seasons and BJ Hunnicutt soon replaces him. Also Col. Henry Blake is released from his duties at the end of season 3 and a new colonel replaces him - Colonel Potter. In Season 5, Frank Burns leaves and Charles Winchester comes in. Radar O'Rieley leaves in the beginning of the 8th season and another character, Klinger, steps up to take his position of company clerk.

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